Dear Mr. Aumann, and brothers and sisters at Faith Lutheran Church,
After much prayerful deliberation, I formally accept the Divine Call you extended me in the name of our Triune God to serve as Associate Pastor for your bilingual ministries. This time of deliberation allowed me to evaluate the ministry needs of two very important and exciting ministries. I have gone to God’s Word for guidance and asked for the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment. I have sought and received wise, insightful advice from brothers and sisters involved in both ministries. Through such deliberation and counsel, I have decided that my Spirit-given gifts can be used best by serving at this time in our Lord’s kingdom at Faith Lutheran Church and School and Iglesia Luterana de Fe en Cristo.
You are placing great confidence in me, and I recognize that it is a high privilege to represent Christ to his people in the public ministry. I, therefore, humbly ask you to continue praying for me as you have been doing. Serving in the parish will be a shift from my current ministry, but my confidence is in Christ and his promise to make us competent for the service to which he calls us in his grace. Please continue to pray for the ministry of Multi-Language Publications (MLP), my co-laborers there whom I love, and the mission fields and souls MLP serves throughout the world.
I thank God for your flexibility to allow for a smooth transition within the MLP program. I look forward to working with you on details and logistics for our move. Please know that my wife Julia, our children Mateo and Natalia, and I intend to arrive in Anchorage before the first snowfall – God willing. Once the details of our move are established, we can make arrangements for my installation.
To God alone the glory!
With you, alive in Christ to share life in Christ,
Rev. Nathan Wagenknecht
As Fall approaches once again, the Fellowship Committee invites you to the annual Chili Kick-Off on September 8th at 5:30 PM. Bring your best chili if you want compete or just come to enjoy the chili and vote for a winner.
Faith Lutheran’s Summer Camps were a huge success this year! Did you know that we had 92 kids attend STEM Camp, 86 in Soccer Camp and 75 in Outdoor Adventure Camp? Did you know that only a handful of these students who attended are children of our congregation? Did you know that we also made a significant profit—almost $7,000? Because of that, we would like to give back to the groups that came to Alaska to help us. They paid their own way, donating their time and money to support our ministry. We will take a freewill donation on the next 3 Sundays to show them our thanks. Please consider contributing to this cause.
Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday, September 8th at Barbie’s CafĂ© (6728 Lake Otis Pkwy). By popular demand, we’re taking a tour of the Minor Prophets with a Bible study we’ve called “Sound bytes of the Old Testaments.” We will be discussing the Book of Habakkuk, chapter 1. All are welcome and invited!
Sunday school starts soon! As we prepare the youngest among us to learn the faith and live the faith we need your help. Please talk with Pastor Chris if you could teaching Sunday School for a month.
Beginning on Monday, September 10th at 6:00pm Pastor Chris will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.” In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future. This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike. Come marvel at what God has done for you! Contact Pastor Chris at 792-9788 for more information. The class will meet every Monday evening for 15 weeks.
The 2018 WELS Women’s Retreat is September 21-22 in Wasilla. Please send your payment to King of Kings Lutheran Church by September 1, 2018 or register online at: Brochures are available in the entryway for more information.
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