Monday, March 25, 2019

Announcements for March 24

Continuing on Monday, March 25 at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future. Come on Monday night and hear how Holy Communion changes your life!

Tuesday Teen Night is an opportunity for the youth of our congregation to gather together for worship and fellowship. We invite anyone who is currently enrolled in Catechism class or has been confirmed to a special worship service at 6:00pm on Tuesdays. Youth from Faith, Faith Hmong and Iglesia Luterana and their friends are enjoying this gathering—we hope you can make it, too!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you would like more information about this event, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.

Come find grace, peace and truth at Faith this Wednesday. During the season of Lent we will have special midweek worship services on Wednesdays for the next three weeks until April 10.  We will have one service beginning at 3:00 and an identical service at 6:30.  There will be a soup supper beginning at 6:00. The theme for the 2019 Lenten services is “Three Words of Truth.” Each service focuses on a three-word phrase from the record of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

Do you have questions about our plans for Faith Lutheran School? Come this Thursday, March 28 at 6:30pm for an open forum to discuss the future of our school. All are welcome and invited to participate. 

Thank you to all who volunteered to host students from MLHS! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 8 students and chaperones during their spring break. They arrive on March 30 and leave April 6. Would you be able to help with a meal? If you’re able to help in this way, please sign up on the sheet in the fellowship hall.

Faith Lutheran Church and School is sponsoring a Health Fair Saturday, April 6, from 8:00am-12:00pm to bring free health education, health screenings and affordable blood tests to our community. Alaska Health Fair Inc. will provide most of the materials, supplies, medical volunteers, and core support but we need volunteers to help set up and take down, and donate food. Set up will be Friday, April 5, at 4:00. A Sign up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall or you can contact Gabby at or 907-223-8449.

Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday April 6 at Village Inn on Spenard (4403 Spenard Rd, Anchorage, AK 99517). At this Bible study, we will be taking a look at the Small Catechism and see how its timeless truths still touch our lives as men of the Word. All are welcome and invited to join us. If you need a Catechism, please contact Bill Rieth.

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer and spring training is in full swing. That means one thing for sure—Alaska softball season is upon us! If you are interested in joining a coed softball team, we’d love to have you. Play begins the first week of May (weather dependent) and will be on Monday, Wednesday or Friday evenings at 6:30p, 7:35p or 8:40p and will be determined once registration ends. The season is 14 games and the cost to play is $77 + jersey per person. If there is interest in a youth team as well, we can accommodate. Please contact Jeremiah Zajic @ 907.841.4480 for more information.

The church entry area, including the sanctuary lobby entry area, is in need of repairs to the drywall.  We are requesting anyone interested in tackling and performing this work (patch, texture, and paint the drywall and associated cracks) to please contact Mike Klebs or 907-365-2528.  A 3rd party will provide scaffolding where needed.

Pastor Christopher Ewings - Faith Lutheran Church and Iglesia Luterana de Fe en Cristo - (907) 792-9788

Pastor Nathan Wagenknecht - Faith Lutheran Church and Iglesia Luterana de Fe en Cristo - (817) 428-2356

Pastor Pao Moua - Faith Hmong Lutheran Church - - 891-2640

Faith Lutheran School and Preschool offer a high-quality education in an environment enriched with Christian teachings and values.  For more information, contact or call the office at 563-3499.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Announcements for March 17

We have extended a divine Call to Mrs. Kelli Baas of Brillion, WI, to serve as our Preschool Director and Lead Teacher for the next school year. Please pray for her and her husband Jonathan as they deliberate where she can best serve God’s kingdom. Additionally, please encourage them via phone call, text, or email. It is very helpful for them to hear from members about the blessings of our congregation as well as life in Alaska.  If you call her, she has asked that we contact her on her land line: 920-756-3852. But, she says, feel free to text her on her cell: 608-387-0549. Or reach her via email:
Continuing on Monday, March 18 at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future. Come on Monday night and hear how baptism changes your life!

Tuesday Teen Night is an opportunity for the youth of our congregation to gather together for worship and fellowship. We invite anyone who is currently enrolled in Catechism class or has been confirmed to a special worship service at 6:00pm on Tuesdays. Youth from Faith, Faith Hmong and Iglesia Luterana and their friends are enjoying this gathering—we hope you can make it, too!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you would like more information about this event, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.

Come find grace, peace and truth at Faith this Wednesday. During the season of Lent we will have special midweek worship services on Wednesdays for the next four weeks until April 10.  We will have one service beginning at 3:00 and an identical service at 6:30.  There will be a soup supper beginning at 6:00. The theme for the 2019 Lenten services is “Three Words of Truth.” Each service focuses on a three-word phrase from the record of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

The parents, teachers and friends of Faith Lutheran School invite you to join us for a spaghetti dinner and culture fair on Saturday, March 23 at 5:00pm. We hope that you can join us to show your support for our school. All are welcome and invited to come!

Women’s Bible Study will meet at 10:00am Saturday, March 23rd in the fellowship hall at Faith to study Chapter 11: The Woman Who Mourned Jesus’ Death from the book The Heart of Jesus.  We hope you will join us!

Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday April 6 at Village Inn on Spenard (4403 Spenard Rd, Anchorage, AK 99517). At this Bible study, we will be taking a look at the Small Catechism and see how its timeless truths still touch our lives as men of the Word. All are welcome and invited to join us. If you need a Catechism, please contact Bill Rieth.

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer and spring training is in full swing. That means one thing for sure—Alaska softball season is upon us! If you are interested in joining a coed softball team, we’d love to have you. Play begins the first week of May (weather dependent) and will be on Monday, Wednesday or Friday evenings at 6:30p, 7:35p or 8:40p and will be determined once registration ends. The season is 14 games and the cost to play is $77 + jersey per person. If there is interest in a youth team as well, we can accommodate. Please contact Jeremiah Zajic @ 907.841.4480 for more information.

Thank you to all who volunteered to host students from MLHS! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 8 students and chaperones during their spring break to help us reach out to our community for Easter. They will be arriving at the end of March 30 and leaving April 6. Would you be able to help with a meal? If you’re able to help in this way, please sign up on the sheet in the fellowship hall.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Announcements for March 3

To commemorate the season of Lent at Faith, there will be special midweek worship services for the next six weeks beginning on Wednesday, March 6 continuing until April 10.  We will have one service beginning at 3:00 to close out the school day and an identical service at 6:30.  There will be a soup supper beginning at 6:00. The theme for the 2019 Lenten services is “Three Words of Truth.” Each service focuses on a three-word phrase from the record of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. It is our prayer that the mediations on these short dialogues will help us discover and treasure the rich meaning and purpose of God’s Word, even in the shortest of phrases.0

Continuing on Monday, March 4 at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  Come and learn on Monday night and hear about the history of God the Holy Spirit!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you are willing and available to help with set up or clean up, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.

Who wants to be locked up? Over spring break, we invite the teens of our congregation to join us for a lock-in on Friday, March 15 from 8pm until 8am Saturday morning. The teen groups from Wasilla, Eagle River and Kenai will be joining us! Bring your favorite games, movies, snacks and drinks and sleeping gear but—most importantly—bring a friend! Contact Pastor Chris (907) 792-9788 if you have any questions.

The Fellowship Committee invites everyone to form a team and finish off your Spring Break with a Trivia Contest on March 16th at 3:00 PM. Bring the whole family - we'll have an adults' quiz and a children's quiz, with prizes to match.

Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday, March 16th at Barbie’s CafĂ© (6728 Lake Otis Pkwy). By popular demand, we’re taking a tour of the Minor Prophets with a Bible study we’ve called “Sound bytes of the Old Testament.” We will be discussing the Book of Amos chapter 5.  All are welcome and invited! 

Women’s Bible Study will meet at 10:00am Saturday, March 23rd in the fellowship hall at Faith to study Chapter 11: The Woman Who Mourned Jesus’ Death from the book The Heart of Jesus.  We hope you will join us!

Who’s thinking about summer? This summer we will have plenty of opportunities for the children of our congregation and our community to have fun and grow in their faith. We have four week-long camps:
June 17-21 STEM Camp
June 24-28 Soccer Camp
July 8-12 Outdoor Adventure Camp
July 14-18 Camp Luther
We have four different groups of helpers coming up from the Lower 48 for these camps. Please contact Pastor Chris for more information.