Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Announcements January 30th

Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM), a ministry that our congregation supports,  has touched thousands of patients in Zambia and Malawi with medical care. This year Faith Lutheran will support CAMM on Sunday, February 12th.  Contact the office for more information.  Office@faithalaska.com

Synod Capital Debt Retired: Late last month the final payment was made on the synod’s capital debt—nearly a year and a half ahead of schedule. Efforts to repay the synod’s debt of $22.4 million began in 2009 with a synod-wide special offering called the “Year of Jubilee.”
Last year, with the desire to retire the debt ahead of schedule, a second special offering called the “One in Christ” offering was collected. Those additional gifts and regular payments since that time made it possible to make the final payment on the debt late last month. The synod is now completely debt-free. To God be the glory!

The women of the Faith are organizing a way to coordinate help for those in our church family who are in need.  If you would like to help with meals, transportation or any other item please attend a start up meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 6:00pm.   
Faith is hosting the WELS Women's Retreat this year.  At the meeting on February 9th, we will begin the planning process.

For the Sundays you are unable to attend church you may watch the service online.  The service can be viewed live or you may view any time after the service is finished.  To view follow the links for Livestream on our website at FaithAlaska.com.  You may also view archived services there as well.  

Have you ever been asked a tough question about your faith? Did you have the answer? In Bible Study we are studying apologetics.  We aren’t studying how to apologize for what we believe.  We are studying how to defend and understand what we believe.  Join us next Sunday as we continue the study.  All are welcome and invited!