Saturday, September 29, 2012

Get to know Miss Wendland and hear about WELS mission work in Africa

Miss Rachel Wendland joined Faith’s school staff this year.  She serves as the language arts teacher for grades 3-8 and coordinates and develops our future pre-school program. Rachel spent much of her early life in Malawi, where her father served as a missionary. Between graduation from Martin Luther College and her arrival to Alaska, she spent three months in Zambia teaching English to the wives and children of pastoral students at the seminary there.  Rachel will be giving a presentation on the mission work in Zambia and her experiences living in Africa
Please join us in the fellowship hall Sunday evening, Sept. 30, at 6pm!
Courtesy of Kathy Hester via email

Monday, September 24, 2012

New projector for sanctuary

Greetings members of Faith,
For several years now we have been trying to raise enough money to upgrade the projection equipment in the sanctuary.

We have finally secured the funding to select equipment and get the ball rolling. We have an ad-hoc committee that has met with the pastors and teachers to get their input. After exploring several options, we feel the best option is to replace the existing pull down projector screen with a larger, motorized screen in the same location and purchase a fixed, wireless projector that would be installed permanently at the rafter level.

God-willing this equipment will be purchased in the next month or so and will allow the pastors to more seamlessly bring technology into the services, especially for bi-lingual services where the hymn lyrics or liturgy text could be conveyed in multiple languages.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Channing Lillo,
Vice President
Faith Lutheran Church

Saturday, September 22, 2012

How do I subscribe to this blog without having to come here for news and information?

Yes, you can subscribe to these blog posts. “Subscribing” means you won’t have to go anywhere on the internet to find this information, instead it will come to you. Remember the old days when you had a magazine or newspaper subscription? The paper or mag was delivered to you because of your subscription. This blog works the same way. Here’s how you do it:

1. Scroll to the bottom of the blog and find the words Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). Click Posts (Atom). (See Figure 1)

2. Your next screen contains a drop down menu for you to select the method of electronic delivery. (See Figure 2)
3. Make your selection and click the Subscribe Now button. That’s it!

I chose to use Live Bookmarks, which placed a new Bookmark (or Favorite if you’re using Internet Explorer as your browser) on my Bookmarks Toolbar. (See Figure 3)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Adopt-a-Road Clean Up This Saturday!

Faith Lutheran Church has a section of Northern Lights Blvd. along Earthquake Park designated as our "Adopt-a-Road" section. Please join us for this special event which helps our community, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 22.

We'll be meeting on Saturday, September 22 at 10 AM at the first turn-off for Earthquake Park (see the map below) to clean up our section. Please come and join us for an hour or so. The more hands we have, the less time it will take! Anyone who helps can swing by Faith afterwards for a pizza lunch and additional fellowship.
  • Wear bright clothing (a few orange vests are available)
  • Bring gloves
  • Wear boots or work shoes
  • Orange bags are provided
Sign Up Now! Children 10 years old and older may clean along the road, and those under 12 should be with a parent. There are parts along the park where supervised little ones can help out as well.