Monday, February 25, 2019

Announcements for February 24

Please stay for our quarterly congregation meeting. Immediately following worship today, we will:
           1. Provide a financial forecast update
           2. Review the report and recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee 
               Supporting Faith Lutheran School
           3. Schedule a call meeting for Preschool Director
Materials for these meetings were distributed in separate communication. Your participation, input, and feedback are crucial for us to move forward as a family of believers committed to carry out the great commission through our work at Faith Lutheran Church. Your pastors, teachers, and church leaders are looking forward to seeing you there and working with you as we serve our Lord Jesus Christ!

A new Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday, March 2nd at Village Inn (4403 Spenard Rd) to begin a study on Luther’s Catechism. Luther originally wrote the Catechism as a teaching aid for fathers to instruct their children in the Bible. Come and see how you can still use it today. — The Men’s Bible Study at Barbie’s Café (6728 Lake Otis Pkwy) is moved to the third Saturday of every month. We will continue our tour of the Minor Prophets “Sound bytes of the Old Testament.” Next up: Amos 5.  All are welcome at either study.

Continuing on Monday, February 25th at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  Come and learn on Monday night and hear about the history of God the Son!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you are willing and available to help with set up or clean up, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.

Faith Alive Bible Study Groups meet this week! These Bible study groups are designed to promote vibrant life in Christ. You are welcome and invited to join us at one of these two locations this week:
Faith Alive at Brooks: Wednesday at 6:30pm
Faith Alive at Wockenfusses: Wednesday at 7:00pm

Are you ready for spring break? A group of high schoolers from MLHS is! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 6-8 students over spring break to help us reach out to our community for Easter. They will be arriving at the end of March and staying through the first week of April.  If you are able to help with hosting, please contact us at So far one individual has offered to help; we can still use more!

Who wants to be locked up? Over spring break, we invite the teens of our congregation to join us for a lock-in on Friday, March 15 until Saturday morning. The teen groups from Wasilla, Eagle River and Kenai will be joining us! Bring your favorite games, movies, snacks and drinks and sleeping gear but—most importantly—bring a friend! Contact Pastor Chris (907) 792-9788 if you have any questions.

Our friends and church family from Our Redeemer in Madison, WI have asked for our help this summer! This congregation has helped us for the last three years at no cost to us. If you are interested in helping them with their summer camp June 17-21, please contact Pastor Chris!

Pastor Chris currently holds a Call to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin as well as his Call to serve here at Faith in Anchorage. Please keep him in your prayers and share your thoughts with him about where he can best serve the Lord of the Church!

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Announcements for February 17

Please make plans to attend two important upcoming meetings:
· Today, February 17, 2019, immediately following worship, we'll hold an informal meeting to consider options for calling a Preschool Director for next year.  This will help prepare for a Call meeting to be held the following week.
· February 24, 2019, immediately following worship, we'll hold our quarterly congregation meeting.  At this meeting we will:
    1. Provide a financial forecast update
    2. Review the report and recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee Supporting Faith Lutheran School
    3. Hold a call meeting for Preschool Director
Materials for these meetings will be distributed in separate communication. Your participation, input, and feedback are crucial for us to move forward as a family of believers committed to carry out the great commission through our work at Faith Lutheran Church. Your pastors, teachers, and church leaders are looking forward to seeing you there and working with you as we serve our Lord Jesus Christ!

Continuing on Monday, February 18th at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  Come and learn on Monday night and hear about the history of God the Father!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you are willing and available to help with set up or clean up, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.

Women’s Bible Study will meet at 10:00am Saturday, February 23rd in the fellowship hall at Faith to study Chapter 5: The Sinful Woman from the book The Heart of Jesus.  We hope you will join us!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our annual CAMM (Central Africa Medical Mission) fundraiser last Sunday. Through your generosity, we received $1114.28. Thank you for your prayers, financial support and sharing your talents for our fellow saints in Central Africa.

Faith Alive Bible Study Groups meet this week! These Bible study groups are designed to promote vibrant life in Christ. You are welcome and invited to join us at one of these two locations this week:
Faith Alive at Brooks: Wednesday at 6:30pm
Faith Alive at Wockenfusses: Wednesday at 7:00pm

Are you ready for spring break? A group of high schoolers from MLHS is! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 6-8 students over spring break to help us reach out to our community for Easter. They will be arriving at the end of March and staying through the first week of April.  If you are able to help with hosting, please contact us at So far one individual has offered to help; we can still use more!

Who wants to be locked up? Over spring break, we invite the teens of our congregation to join us for a lock-in on Friday, March 15 until Saturday morning. The teen groups from Wasilla, Eagle River and Kenai will be joining us! Bring your favorite games, movies, snacks and drinks and sleeping gear but—most importantly—bring a friend! Contact Pastor Chris (907) 792-9788 if you have any questions.

Our friends and church family from Our Redeemer in Madison, WI have asked for our help this summer! This congregation has helped us for the last three years at no cost to us. If you are interested in helping them with their summer camp June 17-21, please contact Pastor Chris!

Pastor Chris currently holds a Call to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin as well as his Call to serve here at Faith in Anchorage. Please keep him in your prayers and share your thoughts with him about where he can best serve the Lord of the Church!


Monday, February 11, 2019

Announcements for February 10

Every year, Faith Lutheran Church sets aside a sum of money to use to support our Synod missions at home and abroad. We call this our “Congregational Mission Offering” or CMO. Last year, we designated $18,500 for this important work. We’re thrilled to announce that the congregation superseded this amount by 60%! The congregation gave $29,546 to support our mission work. To God be the glory!

Faith Alive Bible Study Groups meet this week! These Bible study groups are designed to promote vibrant life in Christ, all from the comfort of your own home! The Brooks and Wockenfuss families are our hosts for the first series of studies called “Gifted” based on 1 Corinthians 12 to 15.
Faith Alive at Brooks: Wednesday at 6:30pm
Faith Alive at Wockenfusses: Wednesday at 7:00pm

Who’s ready for spring break? A group of high schoolers from MLHS is! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 6-8 students over spring break to help us reach out to our community for Easter. They will be arriving at the end of March and staying through the first week of April.  If you are able to help with hosting, please contact us at

To my brothers and sisters in the faith at Faith- 
On Sunday, January 27, I received a divine Call to serve as pastor at Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. A Call is a job opportunity, but more than that; it is the Lord of the Church speaking through His people to proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ Gospel. I now have the opportunity to accept the Call to serve in Menomonee Falls or to decline the Call and stay in Alaska.  Either way, the Gospel will be proclaimed for God’s greatest glory.
As I deliberate the two Calls which I hold—one to continue to serve as pastor of Faith Lutheran Church and Iglesia Luterana de Fe en Cristo in Anchorage, Alaska and now another that has been extended to me to serve as pastor in Menomonee Falls—I ask for your prayers.  I welcome your wisdom and insight as well, and I look forward to speaking with you about the ministry the Lord has entrusted to our care. As you pray for me, I want you to know that I will likewise bring my prayers before the throne of our God in Heaven, asking Christ Jesus to bless His Church.  I know that the Lord will provide for His people as He has promised.  May the Lord richly bless all we do for Him and for His glory!
In Christ, Whom we serve-

Continuing on Monday, February 11th at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike. There is a brochure in your pew that you can hand out to invite your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Please take one with you!  Contact Pastor Chris at 792-9788 or Pastor Nate at 817-428-2356 for more info.

Tuesday Teen Night is an opportunity for the youth of our congregation to gather together for worship and fellowship. We invite anyone who is currently enrolled in Catechism class or has been confirmed to a special worship service at 6:00pm on Tuesdays. Youth from Faith, Faith Hmong and Iglesia Luterana and their friends are enjoying this gathering—we hope you can make it, too!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. Contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388 for more information. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Announcements for February 3

Beginning Monday, February 4th at 6:00pm our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike. There is a brochure in your pew that you can hand out to invite your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Please take one with you!  Contact Pastor Chris at 792-9788 or Pastor Nate at 817-428-2356 for more info.

Tuesday Teen Night is an opportunity for the youth of our congregation to gather together for worship and fellowship. We invite anyone who is currently enrolled in Catechism class or has been confirmed to a special worship service at 6:00pm on Tuesdays. Youth from Faith, Faith Hmong and Iglesia Luterana and their friends are enjoying this gathering—we hope you can make it, too!

Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. Contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388 for more information. 

It’s time for our annual “Mission of Love” fundraiser for the Central Africa Medical Mission!  This year it will be on Sunday, February 10th.  Plan on joining us for breakfast prior to Bible study and Sunday school.  Baked goods and hand-crafted items will be available before and after worship.  For more information contact Joy Bromaghin at 440-1702.

Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday, February 9th at Barbie’s Café (6728 Lake Otis Pkwy). By popular demand, we’re taking a tour of the Minor Prophets with a Bible study we’ve called “Sound bytes of the Old Testament.” We will be discussing the Book of Amos chapter 4.  All are welcome and invited! 

Faith Alive Bible Study Groups meet this week! These Bible study groups are designed to promote vibrant life in Christ, all from the comfort of your own home! The Brooks and Wockenfuss families are our hosts for the first series of studies called “Gifted” based on 1 Corinthians 12 to 15.
Faith Alive at Brooks: Wednesday at 6:30pm
Faith Alive at Wockenfusses: Wednesday at 7:00pm

WELS Marriage Enrichment and Get-Away Weekend! Spend the weekend of March 1-3 at Dimond Center Hotel in Anchorage growing closer to your Savior and your spouse. Grab a brochure or visit for more details. 

Who’s ready for spring break? A group of high schoolers from MLHS is! Michigan Lutheran High School is sending up a team of 6-8 students over spring break to help us reach out to our community for Easter. They will be arriving at the end of March and staying through the first week of April.  If you are able to help with hosting, please contact us at

Who’s thinking about summer? This summer we will have plenty of opportunities for the children of our congregation and our community. We have four week-long camps:
June 17-21 STEM Camp
June 24-28 Soccer Camp                
July 8-12 Outdoor Adventure Camp
July 14-18 Camp Luther
We have four different groups of helpers coming up from the Lower 48 for these camps. If you are able to provide housing for a few of these individuals during one or more of these events, please contact Pastor Chris at (907) 792-9788.