Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ladies' Ash Wednesday Prayer Breakfast

Date:  Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Time:  6:30 am
Place:  Sunrise Grill & Pancake House, banquet room, 8201 Old Seward Hwy (map)

For those of you ladies interested in joining us for this special Ash Wednesday event, please send an e-mail to Kathy at (yes, please, even if you mentioned it before).  This venue is just north of Dimond on the East side.

For those who haven’t joined us before, we try to order no later than 6:45 am. Pastor leads us in a devotion, and we hope to be served around 7:15 am.  Normally, we are done with breakfast no later than 8 am. Please join us!

Courtesy of Kathy Hester via email.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Faith participates in Relay for Life

The Faith Lutheran ChurchTeam is signed-up for Relay For Life! Not sure what this HUGE, nationwide event is all about? Well, almost all of us have been touched by cancer in some way, so we've decided to make a difference by walking and raising money in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event. Sign up, and at the event our team will camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track to raise money and awareness to help the American Cancer Society in the world’s largest fight for more birthdays. What a great way to let our lights shine for Jesus!
To view the Faith Lutheran Church Team page and sign-up, please visit:
Don't forget to check in periodically with the blog and the Faith Lutheran Church Team page to find updates on what we are doing for Relay For Life!
Courtesy of Sarah Salzwedel via email.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

You are Invited...

Please come help us plan church fellowship activities and events for the second half of the year. We could use your ideas and help in planning, organizing, and carrying out fellowship activities. We plan to meet on Thursday evening, January 31 at Bill & Nikki Scharf’s home beginning at 6:30 PM. Their address is 7110 Scalero Circle in Anchorage. Email if you have any questions—

Pictures - Christmas Decoration Take Down & Luau

Thanks to all all the folks who came to help us take down the Christmas decorations. We had a great luau! Check out the pictures at

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Interactive Online Bible Study: "Who am I, and why am I here?"

God has wonderful things to say to us about who we are!  Pastor Thomas Kock will lead us on a five-Wednesday journey to better understand our status in Christ.  Join us!  Studies will be held Wednesdays - January 9 to February 6 - at 7:30 to 8:30 pm and 9:30 to 10:30 pm Eastern Time. 

 Go to and look under "Streams Media" for "Live Events."  You will need a high-speed internet connection.  (Videos of past studies are also archived there.)
Courtesy of Pastor Oldfield via