Friday, October 5, 2012

Oct 28, 2012 - Joint Reformation Pot Luck Meal

We have plenty of opportunities for you to participate in our Reformation festival.

Faith will host the Joint Reformation Worship Service, followed by a pot luck meal on Sunday, October 28, 2012. The worship service is scheduled for 4:30 PM followed by the meal. We would love helpers at 10:50 AM following Bible class to set up tables and seats, very quietly, of course. We would love additional helpers following the Hispanic Sunday school around 2:30-ish to assist in covering, setting, and decorating tables. For the meal, local folks can bring hot foods while those traveling greater distances can bring salads, relishes, rolls, or desserts. Finally, we would again appreciate helpers after the meal to pack decorations, clear and clean tables, stack chairs and tables, and wash dishes.

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