Sunday, May 31, 2015

Update on Pastor Oldfield from Colleen

My apologies for the length of time since the last update.  This should get everyone up to date.  Colleen

Jim has entered what is called the maintenance phase of his treatment.  Beginning May 13 he takes a chemo medication orally for 5 days out of a 28 day cycle.  The medicine is the same one taken during the concurrent radiation/chemo phase only at a higher dosage.   This cycle is repeated for 6 months.  The goal is to kill remaining cancer cells.   MRI’s will be done every 2–4 months to monitor any changes.  We meet with Dr. Bernard on Thursday to go over the results of the first follow up MRI.

Visits with the speech-language pathologist have resumed after a 1½ month break.  The practionier he sees specializes in adult aphasia, which helps to recreate pathways in the brain for language and word recall.

The claim for long-term disability was approved by Sun Life Insurance and will take affect the end of June.  We are extremely grateful that this was approved, as they will pay 2/3 of his current salary.  I have been in contact with the officer who oversees the claim.  She is compassionate and very helpful.  We are also grateful for the financial support Faith has continued the last 4 months.

May 30
The visit with Dr. Bernard last week was mixed.  He went over the results of the MRI with us.  While all areas showed improvement, there is a suspicious very small area that could be one of three things, swelling, a blood vessel or return of the tumor.  The MRI was done before the first round of maintenance chemo so he have another MRI in July to compare.  By then Jim will be through 2 rounds of chemo.

Fatigue caught up with Jim as he tapered off the steroids.  He takes several short naps throughout the day and is in bed early.  He has an enhanced sense of smell and food will often not appeal or taste good to him.  (Even alcohol!)  We have also learned that the effects of the chemo meds last longer than the 5 days they are taken.  Nausea and heartburn continue although we are now proactive with the medications that address those symptoms.  I understand what it means to battle cancer.

As far as cognitive things, it is still challenging to read and getting the right word pulled out of the brain and spoken remains a challenge.  We had hoped that this would improve, but has not so far.  It is difficult to imagine how someone who could craft powerful sermons and teach God’s truth in engaging Bible studies who has now lost this gift can feel.  For those of you reading this email that never had the opportunity to hear Jim preach or teach, our Synod has lost the gifts of a very talented (seminarian level) pastor.

On the positive side, Jim goes to oncology rehab and exercises as his knee and back allow.  He also walks twice a day weather permitting.  He keeps things tidy at home while I’m working and takes care of misc errands.  After 38 years of evening meetings and calls he is home at night and on weekends.  Our dinnertime is relaxed without time constraints.  We’ve been to Cody’s ball games and will be able to take in Bradyn’s soccer games once they begin. We still play cribbage and take turns beating each other.   Last weekend we headed to Seward for a mini get away.  Unfortunately the weather was rainy, but we enjoyed taking a road trip.

And then there are the small blessings that we take for granted.  The beautiful weather we have enjoyed this spring.  Flowers blooming in the perennial garden.  The lawn mower started on the second pull after sitting for 9 months.  Receiving multiple graduation announcements.  Celebrating the confirmation vows of 4 young people this morning.  My very supportive coworkers who have given me the flexibility to continue working and still take care of things as they arise.

We have two trips planned.  Jim dearly wanted to attend the Delegate Conference in Tacoma, so we head there June 10-13. The big trip is planned for June 24 - July 6 when we go to Portland with a side trip to the OR coast with the whole family.  We have rented a beach house in Manzanita, which will accommodate all of us.  Lord willing we will travel to WI in September for our niece Amy’s wedding.

Our gracious Savior keeps us going.  My favorite hymn lately has been “With the Lord Begin Your Task.”  I ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers as we wait to see what the future holds.

Feel free to call either Jim or me.  We both enjoy hearing from people.  Love to all!
907-229-5605  Jim
907-903-5950 Colleen

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