Brothers and Sisters,
First, some good news about Larry Yang's daughter Christine. After a time with two dead kidneys (2 years, since she was 14?), they are now replaced with one live kidney. Things are going well again, after a problem this past week that was quickly dealt with by the Seattle hospital. Dad and Christina are now living in a hotel, with daily trips to the hospital. She will, Lord willing, be able to return home with dad in early June, I believe. What goodness to them by our God and theirs! Larry & Christine give thanks to all of you who are keeping her in your prayers!
Secondly, an update on, well, me, because for some or many of you, you just don't know yet what's going on, perhaps. Just so everyone is clear (as some may not know), I am not retired and gone from Faith. I am disabled in the full work of a pastor, which I believe will lead to wonderful things for Faith Lutheran.
First, soon what is paid me as your working pastor will be done with. I will transfer to state or whatever, which may provide up to 2/3 of my wages. This church will only continue to pay insurance(s) on my account. I expect nothing more, leaving perhaps 50 to 60,000 dollars returned to Faith, now usable for amazing things.
Secondly, again, I am not retired or gone, just taking on a very different, but I think wonderful future position of opportunities with things I can still do. Pastor Ewings and I have already been talking about later, as this summer for example, even though I am right now at the very bottom, as they warn us.
My 33rd brain zap took place on Tuesday, but I was told I'd keep going down for 5 days or so. Then one levels off and starts the long drive upwards, relearning things one knew and eventually finding out what is gone for good and what's coming back. All in due time. The point is, we're already talking about the future, with Pastor E. as the pastor, with me in the background but able to do a lot for him and the congregation. It's a win, win situation, as I see what God has planned for us and this church.
I do understand that he and I, as well as many of the leaders of this congregation, have already been talking about this for weeks or even months. Just so much, and some of you, again, need to hear from us. That's a major reason for the length of this, my latest follow up. I pray that you'll be patient and forgiving for me, as I'm still at the bottom, but wanting to share as much information as I can with you all.
I have believed since the day I woke up after the surgery that the Lord has opened a huge door for us to the future. It will be wonderful and exciting, and at the same time parts of it will be hard and painful. If we go through the door, I can't wait to see what has happened a year from now, and I am so eager, as I believe the Lord lets me, be a part of that. So much more to say but I won't fill this up any more. Time in the future for all that.
I hope and pray that many will have read this and some perhaps will have shared it with others...? In any case, I can't wait to be at church tomorrow with my wife, and served by our Pastor in Bible class and worship.
Lord's blessings in Jesus!
Pastor O.
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