Saturday, March 7, 2015

An Update on Pastor Oldfield

Dear All,

I had planned to send an update last weekend, but obviously it did not happen.

Jim has begun the radiation/chemo treatments as of February 26.  Chemo is simply a pill that is taken once daily.  Radiation is done 5 days a week at the Providence Cancer Center.  That takes perhaps a total of 15 minutes.  The therapist has him lay on the table and secures a mask over his head to prevent any movement.  She sends him into the machine to take a picture which is compared to the post surgery MRI for accuracy in aiming the radiation.  Doc checks the match up and then he is sent back into the machine for just over 3 minutes.  No pain.  We check in with the doctors once a week or more if needed.  I go with him for the doctor visits.  Wonderful friends are transporting the other four times so I can continue working.

He has had several sessions with a speech-language pathologist.  Because of the location of the tumor, word processing and association are areas that she is working with him to reestablish the pathways/connections that have been disrupted by the surgery.  The tumor and surgery have affected his connection with thinking, words and speaking; she’ll be working on regaining at least some of that.

He had a setback this week when he became violently sick all Tuesday night.  This dehydrated him and affected his vision, word processing and reading ability.  He has recovered somewhat but is not back to where he previously was.  (He says that he’s set back a couple of weeks.)

One very positive note is that he was able to complete the final three instruction classes with a couple at Faith.  Having the lessons on Power Point worked out well!  Jeremy will be confirmed (and Tina reaffirmation of faith) tomorrow, the 8th.  Lord willing, Jim will conduct the confirmation itself.  What a gift and joy for him to finish this up!

Thank youfor your continued prayers.


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