Our preschool remodel project is moving forward, thanks to the hard word and many hours put in by volunteers. There have been some glitches, which is to be expected.
Building Committee Chairman Mike Klebs reports:
Status The framing is scheduled for completion this week. "Rough-in" defines work that is done before sheet-rock and finishes. Sprinkler rough-in is complete and ready for MOA inspection. Heating, ventilation, and exhaust duct rough work is complete and ready for inspection. Plumbing rough-in is ongoing and should be in good shape by end of this week. Electrical and fire alarm rough-in is ongoing. We are hoping to have a partial rough-in electrical and fire alarm inspection for the ceiling by early next week so we can begin sheet rocking at our next scheduled work days.
Thank you & meals I want to thank the many that have turned out for one or two workdays to help out as well as the weekly volunteers that have served since the project started. Meals have been available, but we could use a bit more help with this (coordinate with Mary Klebs in advance).
Lots of hands needed soon If inspections get completed as planned, we will have a sheet-rock party next week and/or the week after, and would like to mobilize as many workers as possible to work on this. Bring your drill if you have one, if not, we'll have extra.
Setback We had hoped to start exterior work next week, but the excavating company lined up to do the job has backed out. The Building Committee is addressing options on how to proceed as we had planned to have this work completed prior to the start of school. The work consists of repairing the sewer piping to the older portion of the building and also installing a section of the water line into the building and out through to the exterior and capping it for future connection at a later time. We are hoping to avoid any further delays so if anyone has any contacts with excavation companies that might be able to help us out and get this work done before school starts, please let one of the building committee members know. Alternatively, mobilizing a large contingent of members with shovels would work also.
Fence installation Lastly, the fence for the play area needs to be installed. The building committee needs some action on this, so if you are interested in helping to coordinate a contractor to do this work, please talk to someone on the building committee or Bryan Schneck. It is important that we get this work done prior to the first day of school.
More thanks We wish to thank the many that have volunteered their time, talents, materials, and company donations. There are too many to list here right now, however we know who you are, and I hope to thank all of you more formally in the future.
Most of all Please keep this project in your prayers so that we can complete it, open our preschool before October, and move on to the sprinkler upgrade project.
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