Monday, December 31, 2012

In No Way Do We Want to Rush the Season, but...

We don't want to rush anyone's Christmas and Epiphany celebrations. We just want to invite you to join us...

Putting up the Christmas decorations is such a fun and enjoyable time for many people; however, taking those same decorations down and packing them away can be tedious and maybe even somewhat depressing. We're attempting to infuse joy into the take-down process by doing it together as a fellowship activity, and then enjoying a themed pot luck meal together!

On Saturday January 12 beginning at 11 AM, we'll be gathering to pack up our Christmas decorations around church and the fellowship hall. Once everything is back in storage for another year, we'll put on the sunscreen and enjoy some delicious food that everyone brings, themed around a Lutheran Luau. Well now, if you've ever been to a Hawaiian luau, you might have eaten things like roast pork, fish, and fruits. This website details many foods served at a traditional luau. Here is another site that offers luau recipes. But what is a Lutheran Luau? That will be determined by the foods that you bring!

We're hoping to have a good time, and we hope you will join us! And you will be home well before any important NFL games!

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to check out the pix at
