Faith Lutheran Church and Schools will remain founded on Holy Scripture. To be alive in Christ, we will be nurtured by the Gospel and loved and encouraged by one another. With vibrant life in Him, we will be edified to organize and grow cohesive Gospel ministries. To share life in Christ, our ministries will be outward focused, and we will be involved with and engaged in the community of Anchorage, Alaska.
Continuing on Monday, April 29 at 6:00pm, our pastors will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.” In this class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future. Come on Monday night and hear how God wants to transform your relationship with the world!
Tuesday Teen Night is an opportunity for the youth of our congregation to gather together for worship and fellowship. Join us for a special worship service at 6:00pm on Tuesdays. Youth from Faith, Faith Hmong and Iglesia Luterana and their friends are enjoying this gathering—we hope you can make it, too!
Join us for Toddler Time on Wednesdays at 10:00am! Toddler Time is an hour of multi-sensory play, stories, and snacks for children ages 0 to 5 years and their parents. If you would like more information about this event, please contact Cara Ewings at (907) 792-9388.
Men’s Bible Study will meet at 9:00am on Saturday May 4 at Village Inn on Spenard (4403 Spenard Rd, Anchorage, AK 99517). At this Bible study, we are studying the Small Catechism to see how its timeless truths touch our lives as men of the Word. All are welcome and invited to join us. If you need a Catechism, please contact Bill Rieth.
The Annual Congregational meeting will be on Sunday, May 19. We will have a Sharing Faith Service followed by a potluck lunch. The meeting will follow immediately after the meal. If you are interested in serving on any of the committees, please speak with Jim Aumann.
Elders - Spiritual well being of the congregation
Education - Teaching the Gospel
School Board - Oversees the operation of the school
Fellowship - Reaching those inside the church
Outreach - Reaching those outside the church
Finance - Oversees the financial aspects of the church
Stewardship - Encouraging others to use their God given talents
Property - Caring for the physical church
Additionally, the leadership will update the congregation on our progress against the strategic plan. Your presence and participation are critical to accomplishing the ministry Christ has entrusted to our care!
Faith is hosting a blood drive Saturday, June 1, 10:00am-3:00pm. More details on how to reserve a donation time will be available soon. If you are unable to donate blood, we will need volunteers to provide cookies and to facilitate the donation process that day. Email or text Amy Mozolik at or 414-430-7669.
Who’s thinking about summer? This summer we will have plenty of opportunities for the children of our congregation and our community to have fun and grow in their faith. We have four, week-long camps:
June 17-21 STEM Camp
June 24-28 Soccer Camp
July 8-12 Outdoor Adventure Camp
July 14-18 Camp Luther
We have four different groups of helpers coming up from the Lower 48 for these camps. Please contact Pastor Chris for more information.