Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Announcements from February 19th

Congregational Meeting - February 26th, next Sunday following the service, we will be holding a Congregation Meeting to discuss calling a Vicar. The Board for Lay Ministry (BLM) has been discussing this for the past several months and feels strongly that this is a step needed to help with Pastor Ewings’ workload and support the ministry work here at Faith. The deadline for the application is fast approaching and we need to make a decision quickly or we will have to wait for another year. The BLM unanimously voted to call a Vicar and we are requesting approval by the Congregation. Please make every effort to attend and voice your opinion.

To my family in the faith at Faith Lutheran Church-
On Sunday, February 5, I received a divine Call to serve as the youth and family pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in St. Peter, Minnesota. A Call is a job opportunity, but more than that; it is the Lord of the Church speaking through His people to proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ Gospel. I now have the opportunity to accept the Call to Minnesota or to decline the Call and stay in Alaska.  Either way, the Gospel will be proclaimed for God’s greatest glory.
As I deliberate the two Calls which I hold—the Call you have extended to me to serve as the pastor of Faith Lutheran Church and Iglesia Luterana de Fe en Cristo in Anchorage and now another to serve as a youth and family pastor in St. Peter—I ask for your prayers.  I welcome your wisdom and insight as well, and I look forward to speaking with you about the ministry the Lord has entrusted to our care. As you pray for me, I want you to know that I will likewise bring my prayers before the throne of our God in Heaven, asking Christ Jesus to bless His Church.  I know that the Lord will provide for His people as He has promised.  May the Lord richly bless all we do for Him and for His glory!
Pastor Christopher R. Ewings

Women's Retreat - Plans for the women’s retreat this fall are well underway.  Faith is hosting the retreat this year and we will need volunteers to help with the organizing and planning.  The next meeting is February 23rd at 6:00pm.

Teen Neon Bowling February 24thAll teens are welcome and invited to participate in neon bowling at Diamond Center bowling from 6:30-8:45. Wear your best neon attire.  Please be sure you bring at least $15. For two hours of neon bowling and shoe rental it costs $10. Bowlers may purchase soda and snacks if they want to; it will not be provided.  Please RSVP to Miss Melissa Mittelstadt at (262) 623-4908.

Midweek Lenten services begin March 1st. During our midweek services, we will focus on the Sacrifice that our Savior made for us as we examine the Old Testament sacrifices and how they point ahead to Jesus.  A soup supper will precede each midweek service at 6:00 and worship will begin at 7:00. 

The Women of Faith Lutheran Church have taken on the task of organizing a list of volunteers to help provide some much needed aid to members of our congregation.  We are in the process of compiling a list of people who can provide meals, transportation, yard care,  housework, make errands, visit or read for those who are sick, had recent surgeries or any other life altering circumstance.  To get this list going we need the names of volunteers willing to help.  If you are willing to have your name added to this list of volunteers please contact the office at office@faithalaska.com or 563-3499. 
We also need to know when someone is in need.  If you or someone you know could benefit from this, please contact Pastor Ewings, Kathy Hester, or Linda Stiffler.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Announcement February 5th

The women of the Faith are organizing a way to coordinate help for those in our church family who are in need.  If you would like to help with meals, transportation or any other item please attend a start up meeting on Thursday, February 9th at 6:00pm.   
Faith is hosting the WELS Women's Retreat this year.  At the meeting on February 9th, we will begin the planning process.
Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM), a ministry that our congregation supports, has touched the lives of thousands of patients in Zambia and Malawi with medical care.  The people of our church and community will support CAMM on Sunday, February 12th with a “Make and Bake” sale.  Contact Joy Bromaghin at 336-6186 for more information or to help with the event. 
One way you can support Faith Lutheran School is by collecting BoxTops.  Simply clip the BoxTop and leave in either the Office box or Mrs. Z’s box in the entryway.  Faith Lutheran School is also enrolled in the Kroger Rewards program.  To register for this program log on to your Fred Meyer Rewards account. Find our school and link your rewards account.
Christian Family Solutions is a family counseling resource for members of Faith Lutheran Church. The Member Assistance Program (MAP) provides numerous different counseling opportunities from Christian professionals. These counselors assist in meeting the emotional or psychological needs of their members by providing them with convenient, affordable services. For more information, speak with Pastor Chris or visit the website at christianfamilysolutions.org.

Conquerors through Christ is a WELS ministry for people who are struggling with addiction to pornography.  Serving those who are caught in porn addiction. CtC helps them out of that addiction and into healthy sexual practices. Serving those who are trying to resist being caught in porn addiction. CtC helps them build boundaries around their hearts and eyes that keep them from lust. Serving those whose lives have been affected by someone who is addicted to porn. CtC helps family and friends of addicts to recover from the pain that has been caused and assists them as they rebuild those relationships. For more information, visit the website at www.conquerorsthroughchrist.net.