Monday, February 29, 2016

Seder Dinner on Maundy Thursday, March 24th

On Maundy Thursday, March 24th, we will be celebrating with a special meal to remember the passion history of our Lord called a “Seder Meal.”  The word “seder” means “arrangement.”  In Old Testament times, the children of Israel were commanded by the Lord to follow a specific set of instructions to prepare themselves for the Lord’s Passover.  This meal is a commemoration of that night. 
God commanded His people to observe a meal in a ritual act of worship to remind His people of His everlasting covenant with them to free them from slavery in Egypt.  On the night of the Passover, the Lord liberated His people from their enemies and death.  The children of Israel were to observe this ritual as a lasting ordinance to recall the wonders the Lord had done for His people, saving them by the blood of a lamb.
While we Christians no longer need to keep the Passover Feast since our Passover Lamb, the Lord Jesus, has been offered as our sacrifice for sins once for all, we still will benefit from a worship service that will show us the beautiful relationship between the Passover meal and the Lord’s Supper.  While the service contains many Jewish elements to it, it is unabashedly Christian in nature.  During this service, the confirmed members of our congregation will be invited to partake in the Lord’s Supper as well. 
All are welcome and invited to attend the Seder meal.  Because this worship service truly is a meal, we’d like to ask for your help in bringing the provisions.  There are numerous items which you can donate or loan for the use of this meal.  Please see the sign up list in the fellowship hall or sign up at:

Announcements Week of February 28th

Join us for Midweek Lenten Services at 7:00pm. During our midweek services, we will hear the words of our Savior as He tells us the truth.  The sermons are based on Jesus’ words from the Gospel “I tell you the truth.”  In a world filled with half-truths, untruths and all out lies, may we listen carefully and intently to the truth of our God.

Join us for Soup Suppers Wednesdays at 6:00pm.  Bring a salad, soup or dish to share or just come enjoy the fellowship before Midweek Lenten Service.

Faith Service Project - The Fellowship Committee invites you to make blessing bags to keep in your care to have on hand to give to someone in need as you are driving around.  On Saturday, March 5th, 1:00 - 3:00pm we will be organizing bags full of essentials for those on the street.   Donations of nutritious bars, snacks, coupons for meals, socks, gloves, etc. can be brought the day of the event or left box in the fellowship hall.  Claire Zarnstorff is coordinating the event and can be contacted at 792-9688.

Ladies’ Craft Day - March 12th  10:00 - 2:00.  This month bring a new craft to learn.  We will enjoy a devotion and snacks as we work on our projects.  Bring any project to work on even if it isn’t new.   Contact Claire Zarnstorff at 792-9688 for more information.

Join us on Saturday, March 19th for Easter for Families!  Come enjoy an Easter egg hunt, egg decorating, and a multi-sensory journey that explores the events surrounding Easter.  Stop in any time between 10:00 and 2:00.  We will see you there!

Easter Sunday Breakfast
Come join the celebration between services Easter morning. For those wanting to bring a dish (enough for 10-12 people), follow the first letter of your last name.
A-H:  Egg Dish                 
I-N:  Breakfast Meats                 
O-T:  Fruit         
U-Z:  Pastries or Bread

Home Bible study group  beginning March 6th at 7:00pm led by Bryan Schneck, “Vanishing Grace:  Whatever Happened to the Good News” by Philip Yancey.  If you would like to join and to order a study guide please contact Bryan Schneck at 331-7761.   You can find detailed information at under Home Bible Studies.

Mondays at 6:30pm, Pastor Chris is offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this version of Inquirer’s Class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike.  Come marvel at what God has done for you!

Men’s Bible Study meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00am.  The next meeting is March 12th.  The current study is “Five Things You Can Do to Live a Jesus-Centered Life” and is led by Pastor Ewings.  The group meets at Barbie’s Café on Lake Otis Parkway.  Contact Pastor Ewings at 792-9788 to sign up or order a book.

 Women’s Bible Study will meet next on March 27th at 10:00am in the fellowship hall.  Cara Ewings is leading the study “Living a Chocolate Life.”  Contact Cara at 792-9388 to sign up or order a book.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Announcements from Sunday, February 21st

Call update
Faith Lutheran Church extended a call to Mr. Joshua Walker to serve as our principal and teacher for grades 6, 7, and 8.  He currently is the principal at St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Livonia, Michigan.  He is married to Mandy with 3 children.  A call was also extended to Miss Rachel Taasaas to serve as our kindergarten teacher.   She currently serves as kindergarten teacher at St. Matthew Lutheran School in Spokane, Washington.  Please keep them both in your prayers as they consider the two calls they now hold.  If you would like to contact Mr. Walker, his email is  Miss Taasaas’ email is

Join us for Midweek Lenten Services at 7:00pm. During our midweek services, we will hear the words of our Savior as He tells us the truth.  The sermons are based on Jesus’ words from the Gospel “I tell you the truth.”  In a world filled with half-truths, untruths and all out lies, may we listen carefully and intently to the truth of our God.

Join us for Soup Suppers Wednesdays at 6:00pm.  Bring a salad, soup or dish to share or just come enjoy the fellowship before Midweek Lenten Service.

Life is busy. Are you and your marriage distracted? God designed marriage between one man and one woman and only he can help rid your marriage of the distractions you face. Join us for a marriage enrichment weekend February 26-28 at the Dimond Center Hotel. Spend your weekend learning how to get rid of the distractions in your marriage by tuning in, turning off, communicating, listening well and fighting fair – all with God’s help. See the poster and brochure in the hall or visit for more information and to register.

Faith Service Project - The Fellowship Committee invites you to make blessing bags to keep in your car to have on hand to give to someone in need as you are driving around.  On Saturday, March 5th, 1:00 - 3:00pm we will be organizing bags full of essentials for those on the street.   Donations of nutritious bars, snacks, coupons for meals, socks, gloves, etc. can be brought the day of the event.  Claire Zarnstorff is coordinating the event and can be contacted at 792-9688.

Home Bible Study Group - A new group is forming and will be led by Bryan Schneck beginning March 6th at 7:00pm.  This group will be using the study “Vanishing Grace:  Whatever Happened to the Good News” by Philip Yancey.  If you would like to join and to order a study guide please contact Bryan Schneck at 331-7761.   Detailed information at under Home Bible Studies.

Thank you for supporting the Central Africa Medical Mission.  Your donations helped raise over $1000 for CAMM.   Recently, Zambia has mandated all children must be born at the clinic, which now must be staffed 24/7.  This financial gift will help fund the extra work hours required by the staff.  We would also like to thank Pastor Ewings for his mission Bible study and Claire Zarnstorff for organizing the baked goods decorating as part of the Women’s Craft Day.  

Easter Worship Schedule

Sundays -                  9:00am Sunday School/Bible Study
                                  10:30am Worship Service
Wednesdays -          6:00pm Soup Supper Potluck
                                    7:00pm Mid Week Lenten Service
Palm Sunday -         10:30am Worship Service, March 20th
Maundy Thursday -  6:00pm Seder Dinner, March 24th
Good Friday -            7:00pm Service, March 25th
Easter Day -               7:00am Sunrise Service
                                           Easter Breakfast
                                   10:30am Worship Service
* Please note communion services will be on March 6th and 20th.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Announcements Week of February 14th

Call meeting update:  We have extended two calls.  One to Joshua Walker for principal.  Mr. Walker is currently serving at St Paul's Lutheran School in Livonia, Michigan.  A call for a kindergarten teacher was extended to Rachel Taasaas who is currently teaching at St. Matthew Lutheran School in Spokane, Washington.  Please include these teachers in your prayers as they consider the calls they now hold and how God will use them in His ministry.

Join us for Midweek Lenten Services at 7:00pm. During our midweek services, we will hear the words of our Savior as He tells us the truth.  The sermons are based on Jesus’ words from the Gospel “I tell you the truth.”  In a world filled with half-truths, untruths and all out lies, may we listen carefully and intently to the truth of our God.

Join us for Soup Suppers Wednesdays at 6:00pm.  Bring a salad, soup or dish to share or just come enjoy the fellowship before Midweek Lenten Service.

 An afternoon of games, snacks and fellowship.  Bring your favorite game and snacks on February 20th 12:30-4:00pm.  Contact Jed Else at

Teen Neon Bowling February 20thMeet at the church at 6:30pm for pizza and devotion then to Center Bowl.  Wear your best neon attire.  We will return to the church at 10:00pm.  The cost will be $20.  Contact Tina Henry to sign up, 240-0623.

Life is busy. When will it slow down? Are you and your marriage distracted? God designed marriage between one man and one woman and only he can help rid your marriage of the distractions you face. Join us for a marriage enrichment weekend February 26-28 at the Dimond Center Hotel. Spend your weekend learning how to get rid of the distractions in your marriage by tuning in, turning off, communicating, listening well and fighting fair – all with God’s help. See the poster and brochure in the hall or visit for more information and to register.

For information on the current Bible studies, please visit the church website at 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Announcements Week of February 7th

Sunday, February 14th, after the service there will be a call meeting to call a new principal and kindergarten teacher.  Your input is valuable; please make every effort to attend.

Soup Suppers begin February 10th at 6:00pm  Bring a salad, soup or dish to share or just come enjoy the fellowship before Midweek Lenten Service.

Midweek Lenten Services begin February 10th at 7:00pm. Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten journey with a reminder of our mortality and a call to repentance. This year at Faith we will observe the ancient practice of imposing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful on Ash Wednesday. The Church father Tertullian (AD 160-215) writes of the practice as a public expression of repentance and of our human frailty that stands in need of Christ. The ashes remind us forcefully of our need for redeeming grace as they recall words from the rite for Christian burial: ” to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust…,” words that will someday be spoken over us all. 

Ladies’ Craft Day - February 13th, 10:00 - 2:00.  This month’s craft theme is cake and cupcake decorating. All creations will be donated to the CAMM Bake Sale.  Please come with prebaked items that you have put in the freezer overnight.  Any questions contact Claire Zarnstorff at 792-9688 or

Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) has touched thousands of patients in Zambia and Malawi with medical care.
This year Faith Lutheran will support CAMM with a Valentine’s Brunch and “Mission of Love” fundraiser on February 14th at 9:00am.  Breakfast items will be available as well as baked goods and craft items. Free will donations will be accepted.  We will have a special Bible study led by Pastor Ewings on mission work for adults and children alike. Contact Joy Bromaghin at 336-6186 for more information.

Family Movie Night, February 14th at 5:30 in the fellowship hall.  Your family is invited to come enjoy the movie Inside Out.  Faith Lutheran School PTF (Parent, Teacher, Friend) will provide the movie, hot dogs, nachos, fruit and popcorn.  Enjoy a fun filled evening with door prizes, trivia and of course a movie.  PTF will be accepting donations for the Sprinkler Fund.  For more information contact Tina Henry at 240-0623.

An afternoon of games, snacks and fellowship.  Bring your favorite game and snacks on February 20th 12:30-4:00pm.  Contact Jed Else at

Teen Neon Bowling February 20thMeet at the church at 6:30pm for pizza and devotion then to Center Bowl.  Wear your best neon attire.  We will return to the church at 10:00pm.  The cost will be $20.  Contact Tina Henry to sign up, 240-0623.

 Choir practice meets Mondays at 7:00pm.  We are practicing selections for the season of Lent and Easter.  The choir will sing for the Ash Wednesday Service. Come lend your voice!

Mondays at 6:30pm, Pastor Chris is offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this version of Inquirer’s Class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike.  Come marvel at what God has done for you!

Women’s Bible Study will meet next on February 20th at 10:00am in the fellowship hall.  Cara Ewings is leading the study Living a Chocolate Life.  Contact Cara at
792-9388 to sign up or order a book.

Men’s Bible Study meets next on March 12th at 9:00am.  Men's Bible study will meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from now on.  
The current study is Five Things You Can Do to Live a Jesus-Centered Life and is led by Pastor Ewings.  The group meets at Barbie’s Café on Lake Otis Parkway.  Contact Pastor Ewings at 792-9788 to sign up or order a book.

Life is busy. When will it slow down? Are you and your marriage distracted? God designed marriage between one man and one woman and only he can help rid your marriage of the distractions you face. Join us for a marriage enrichment weekend February 26-28 at the Dimond Center Hotel. Spend your weekend learning how to get rid of the distractions in your marriage by tuning in, turning off, communicating, listening well and fighting fair – all with God’s help. See the poster and brochure in the hall or visit for more information and to register.

The way society receives information has change drastically in the last 10 years. Our secretary, Sheila, wants to know the best way to provide  information about the activities, meetings and anything else going on at Faith.    How would you like to see information posted? Facebook? Text? Bulletin boards? Twitter? Changes to the website?  Bring your ideas to Sheila at or 229-7901.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Announcements - Week of January 31st

Congregational Meeting Update - On Sunday, February 1st, the voting members elected to call a principle and a kindergarten teacher.  Suggestions were given for qualifications for the new staff.  Once a list of candidates is received from our district president, a call meeting will be held.

Beginning Monday, February 1st at 6:30pm, Pastor Chris will be offering a class entitled “Making Life Better.”  In this version of Inquirer’s Class, you will see how God has made your life better by reviewing your past, changing your present and transforming your future.  This course covers the basic truths of the Christian faith and is offered to newcomers and long-time Christians alike.  Come marvel at what God has done for you!

Choir practice begins this Monday at 7:00pm.  We will begin practicing selections for the season of Lent and Easter.  Come lend your voice!

Men’s Bible Study will be on the 1st Sunday of the month at 9:00am beginning February 6th.   The first study is Five Things You Can Do to Live a Jesus-Centered Life and will be led by Pastor Ewings.  The group will meet at Barbie’s Café on Lake Otis Pkwy.  Contact Pastor Ewings at 792-9788 to sign up or order a book.

Soup Supper begins February 10th at 6:00pm  Bring a salad, soup or dish to share or just come enjoy the fellowship before Midweek Lenten Service.

Midweek Lenten Services begin February 10th at 7:00pm. Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten journey with a reminder of our mortality and a call to repentance. This year at Faith we will observe the ancient practice of imposing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful on Ash Wednesday. The Church father Tertullian (AD 160-215) writes of the practice as a public expression of repentance and of our human frailty that stands in need of Christ. The ashes remind us forcefully of our need for redeeming grace as they recall words from the rite for Christian burial: ” to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust…,” words that will someday be spoken over us all. 

Ladies’ Craft Day - February 13th, 10:00 - 2:00.  This month’s craft theme is cake and cupcake decorating. All creations will be donated to the CAMM Bake Sale.  Please come with prebaked items that you have put in the freezer overnight.  Any questions contact Claire Zarnstorff at 792-9688 or

With God’s help, hundreds of thousands of patients in Zambia and Malawi have been touched by the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM). Faith Lutheran supports CAMM with an annual Bake and Craft Sale. 
Valentine’s Brunch and “Mission of Love” fundraiser for CAMM on February 14th at 9:00am.  This is Faith’s annual bake and craft sale for CAMM.  Breakfast items will be available as well as baked goods and craft items. Free will donations will be accepted.  There will be a special Bible study lead by Pastor Ewings on mission work.  Children will join in on the mission Bible study . Contact Joy Bromaghin at 336-6186 for more information, to donate items or volunteer.
Family Movie Night, February 14th at 5:30 in the fellowship hall.  Your family is invited to come enjoy the movie Inside Out.  Faith Lutheran School PTF (Parent, Teacher, Friend) will provide the movie, hot dogs, nachos, fruit and popcorn.  Enjoy a fun filled evening with door prizes, trivia and of course a movie.  PTF will be accepting donations for the Sprinkler Fund.  For more information contact Tina Henry at 240-0623.

Life is busy. When will it slow down? Are you and your marriage distracted? God designed marriage between one man and one woman and only he can help rid your marriage of the distractions you face. Join us for a marriage enrichment weekend February 26-28 at the Dimond Center Hotel. Spend your weekend learning how to get rid of the distractions in your marriage by tuning in, turning off, communicating, listening well and fighting fair – all with God’s help. See the poster and brochure in the hall or visit for more information and to register.

The way society receives information has change drastically in the last 10 years. Our secretary, Sheila, wants to know the best way to provide  information about the activities, meetings and any anything else going on at Faith.  We currently use the bulletin and beginning this Monday, weekly announcements will be posted on the Faith blog at  You can subscribe to the blog with updates delivered to your email inbox.  How else would you like to see information posted?  Facebook? Text? Bulletin boards? Twitter? Changes to the website?  Bring your ideas to Sheila at or 229-7901.