Outreach needs you to help with distributing flyers for our Christmas services. Please meet at the church on Saturday, December 19th at 1:00 to help. You can also pick up flyers to give out in your neighborhood if you would like.
Bake Sale -PTF will be sponsoring a bake sale to benefit the school. Items will be available Friday the 18th at noon, and Sunday the 20th before service.
Join us for Advent for Families! Sunday evenings, at 6:00 pm through December 20th, we’d like to invite you to an Advent devotion. Families will have the opportunity to construct an Advent craft and join together in a devotion about the coming Savior. All the materials will be provided as well as a light supper. The crafts are an Advent wreath, wooden nativity, sand ornament, and epiphany calendar. All are welcome and invited!
Soup suppers on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Bring soup, salad, bread or any dish to share and enjoy a time of fellowship before the 7:00pm mid week Advent service.
Mid week Advent services at 7:00pm. Join us each Wednesday before Christmas as we prepare for the coming of our Savior.
Faith Lutheran School and Preschool will have their Christmas performance on December 18th at the UAA Recital Hall at 6:30pm. The program for this year is: Did You Know? Come enjoy the retelling of the birth of our savior with music and singing.
Teens grades 7-12! It’s time again for our Christmas Break Lock-In!
Put it on your schedule: Tuesday, December 29th from 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next morning.
Games, Bible study, movies, snacks, and a pancake breakfast. Sleep is optional. Bring a friend!
Watch for more information and a Signup Genius link coming soon. Contact Mr. Schneck (331-7761) if you have any questions.
Worship Schedule
Sundays - 9:15am Sunday School/Bible Study
10:30am Worship Service
Wednesdays - 6:00pm Soup Supper Potluck
7:00pm Mid Week Advent Service
Christmas Eve - 6:00pm Christmas Eve Service
10:00pm Candlelight Service
Christmas Day - 10:00am Christmas Service
New Year’s Eve - 7:00pm New Year’s Service