Thursday, August 20, 2015

Church Work Day, Saturday August 22nd

We have a busy work day planned for Saturday, August 22nd, 9am-4pm.  Your help is needed if even for a short while.  Lunch will be provided.  

Tasks to be accomplished this Saturday:

·         We will have a cement mixer on-site and will be pouring concrete at our new “Sports Court” to fill in the holes left from the parsonage demolition. This will require volunteers to run wheelbarrows, help shovel concrete and for cleanup.

·         We will be filling in the holes in the Sports Court foundation walls where the parsonage windows were. We will have the concrete blocks there, we will just need volunteers to lift them into place and set with mortar.

·         We are going to be constructing a plywood cap that goes around the Sports Court. We will have the materials on-site to put this together. Volunteers will be needed for sawing, cutting and assembling.

·         We need to remove all of the foliage at the rear part of the preschool playground so the teacher has line of sight with the kids. This will required volunteers to clear the brush and haul away.

·         We will be installing a temporary fence in the preschool playground to keep the children out of the recently hydroseeded areas. Volunteers will be needed to set new fence posts and install the temporary fencing.

·         If you can’t attend, please consider helping with a special donation to help offset the costs of the materials. We plan to purchase some new basketball hoops and posts once we have the court completed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

40th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran School

Please join us Sunday, August 9th as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Faith Lutheran School.

Faith Lutheran Church will have a special worship service at 4:30 to celebrate the many blessings bestowed on Faith Lutheran School through the years.  During this service our new Preschool Director Ms. Melissa Mittelstadt will be installed. 

Following the service there will be a potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring a dish to share.  For dessert, an ice cream bar will be provided where you can enjoy a dish of ice cream or make your own sundae, banana split, or root beer float. 

Our special guests will be Lance and Annette Hartzell.  As the first principal and teacher, Mr. Hartzell will deliver a special message for everyone on this wonderful occasion.

We encourage all of our alumni, teachers, and parents to share their thoughts as we celebrate the school’s first 40 years.  If you are unable to attend in person, we welcome your written comments on the 40th anniversary of the school.  Please send to

Weather permitting, we are planning a number of friendly competitions between the different decades of classes.  Please encourage your former classmates to attend, especially the original 16 students.

Any questions regarding the celebration may be directed to Melanie Ferguson, Julie LaMay, Bev Lembke, or Amy Mozolik.