Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year's Eve Worship, New Bible Study Time and Upcoming Events

New Year's Eve -  Join us at 7pm, December 31st to begin your New Year with a worship service.

New Bible Study/Sunday School Time - Beginning this Sunday January 3rd, Bible Study and Sunday School will begin at 9:00am.  

Toddler Time - Toddler time will resume at 10am on Wednesday January 6th. 

Parent's Night Out - Faith Lutheran School's parent organization will be hosting a parent's night out on Friday, January 8th 6-9pm, for toddler and school age children.

Craft Day - January Craft Day is Saturday the 9th, 10am-2pm.   This month's theme is:  Pinterest Crafts.

Chili Cook Off - January 15th at 6pm.  Along with a best chili competition there will be a silent auction to benefit the Sprinkler Fund.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 13th Announcements

Outreach needs you to help with distributing flyers for our Christmas services.  Please meet at the church on Saturday, December 19th at 1:00 to help.  You can also pick up flyers to give out in your neighborhood if you would like.

Bake Sale -PTF will be sponsoring a bake sale to benefit the school.  Items will be available Friday the 18th at noon, and Sunday the 20th before service.

Join us for Advent for Families! Sunday evenings, at 6:00 pm through December 20th, we’d like to invite you to an Advent devotion.  Families will have the opportunity to construct an Advent craft and join together in a devotion about the coming Savior.  All the materials will be provided as well as a light supper.  The crafts are an Advent wreath, wooden nativity, sand ornament, and epiphany calendar. All are welcome and invited!

Soup suppers on Wednesdays at 6:00pm.  Bring soup, salad, bread or any dish to share and enjoy a time of fellowship before the 7:00pm mid week Advent service.

Mid week Advent services at 7:00pm.  Join us each Wednesday before Christmas as we prepare for the coming of our Savior.   

 Faith Lutheran School and Preschool will have their Christmas performance on December 18th at the UAA Recital Hall at 6:30pm.  The program for this year is:  Did You Know?   Come enjoy the retelling of the birth of our savior with music and singing.

Teens grades 7-12! It’s time again for our Christmas Break Lock-In!
Put it on your schedule: Tuesday, December 29th from 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. the next morning.
Games, Bible study, movies, snacks, and a pancake breakfast. Sleep is optional. Bring a friend!
Watch for more information and a Signup Genius link coming soon. Contact Mr. Schneck (331-7761) if you have any questions.


Worship Schedule

Sundays -               9:15am Sunday School/Bible Study
                                   10:30am Worship Service
Wednesdays -        6:00pm Soup Supper Potluck
                                   7:00pm Mid Week Advent Service
Christmas Eve -      6:00pm Christmas Eve Service
                                   10:00pm Candlelight Service
Christmas Day -   10:00am Christmas Service
New Year’s Eve - 7:00pm New Year’s Service

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Christmas for Kids

Saturday, December 12th, 9 to 11am

All children ages 3-10

Kids will enjoy  Christmas crafts, snacks, singing, graham cracker nativity construction and the Christmas story while you get some shopping done.

Faith Lutheran Church and School
5200 Lake Otis Parkway  -  (907)563-3499

Monday, September 28, 2015

Winter is Approaching

The rumor is winter will be here this week.  That means it is time to get ready for what may come.  The church has a snow blower that is in need of annual maintenance.  We are looking for a volunteer to give it the once over so we are ready for snow. Anytime in the next few weeks would be great.  Please contact the office at 563-3499 or if you can help.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Roadside Cleanup Saturday September 26th

Volunteers from Faith will meet at Earthquake Park at 10:00am on Saturday.  Join us as we cleanup our roadside.  Be sure to wear appropriate clothing including gloves.  If you have reflective vests or clothing it would be a great idea to wear that as well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Parking Lot Sale

Faith Lutheran School and Camp Luther
Parking Lot Sale
Saturday, September 19th 
10am to 4pm

Donations will be accepted until Friday evening.  If any assistance is needed please contact the church office at 563-3499.
The sale will be held rain or shine, weather permitting in the church parking lot, otherwise in the fellowship hall.  See you Saturday!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Join us for Adult Bible Study and Sunday School

Sunday School begins this Sunday, September 13th at 9:15.
Children in preschool through grade 6 will meet in the sanctuary.  This year's Sunday School is designed to allow multiple ages to stay and learn together.
The theme for this Fall is:  "God Protects His People in Egypt and the Exodus"
We hope you are as excited as we are to share the Word of God with your children.

Adult Bible Study meets at 9:15 in the Fellowship Hall.
For the month of October, Pastor Ewings will be leading a study of the Beatitudes.  Join us as we study these proverb-like sayings and delve into their meanings.
Adult Bible Study is for those 0 - 99 who are not attending Sunday School, teens are welcomed and encouraged to attend as well.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Labor Day Reminder

Just a reminder there will be no Monday Evening Service.  Labor Day marks the end of the Summer Schedule.

Our regular worship schedule begins Sunday, September 13th.  Adult Bible Study and Sunday School begin at 9:15.  Worship Service is at 10:30.

Hope you have a safe and blessed Labor Day Weekend!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Church Work Day, Saturday August 22nd

We have a busy work day planned for Saturday, August 22nd, 9am-4pm.  Your help is needed if even for a short while.  Lunch will be provided.  

Tasks to be accomplished this Saturday:

·         We will have a cement mixer on-site and will be pouring concrete at our new “Sports Court” to fill in the holes left from the parsonage demolition. This will require volunteers to run wheelbarrows, help shovel concrete and for cleanup.

·         We will be filling in the holes in the Sports Court foundation walls where the parsonage windows were. We will have the concrete blocks there, we will just need volunteers to lift them into place and set with mortar.

·         We are going to be constructing a plywood cap that goes around the Sports Court. We will have the materials on-site to put this together. Volunteers will be needed for sawing, cutting and assembling.

·         We need to remove all of the foliage at the rear part of the preschool playground so the teacher has line of sight with the kids. This will required volunteers to clear the brush and haul away.

·         We will be installing a temporary fence in the preschool playground to keep the children out of the recently hydroseeded areas. Volunteers will be needed to set new fence posts and install the temporary fencing.

·         If you can’t attend, please consider helping with a special donation to help offset the costs of the materials. We plan to purchase some new basketball hoops and posts once we have the court completed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

40th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran School

Please join us Sunday, August 9th as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Faith Lutheran School.

Faith Lutheran Church will have a special worship service at 4:30 to celebrate the many blessings bestowed on Faith Lutheran School through the years.  During this service our new Preschool Director Ms. Melissa Mittelstadt will be installed. 

Following the service there will be a potluck dinner in the Fellowship Hall.  Bring a dish to share.  For dessert, an ice cream bar will be provided where you can enjoy a dish of ice cream or make your own sundae, banana split, or root beer float. 

Our special guests will be Lance and Annette Hartzell.  As the first principal and teacher, Mr. Hartzell will deliver a special message for everyone on this wonderful occasion.

We encourage all of our alumni, teachers, and parents to share their thoughts as we celebrate the school’s first 40 years.  If you are unable to attend in person, we welcome your written comments on the 40th anniversary of the school.  Please send to

Weather permitting, we are planning a number of friendly competitions between the different decades of classes.  Please encourage your former classmates to attend, especially the original 16 students.

Any questions regarding the celebration may be directed to Melanie Ferguson, Julie LaMay, Bev Lembke, or Amy Mozolik.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Announcements from Sunday, July 26th

Friend Fest
Wednesday evening from 5:30-8pm, Faith is hosting a Friend Fest carnival with games, face painting, door prizes, bounce house and obstacle course, popcorn, lemonade and more!! We are inviting our community and introducing people to our church family! Bring your friends and come enjoy the fun.  If you would like to help in any way, please speak to Mrs. Schneck, text or call at 230-6715, or email at

On Sunday, August 2nd there will be a church picnic immediately after the 10:30am service.  The picnic will be held on the church grounds.  We will provide meat, hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks.  Please bring a side dish, fruit or dessert.  Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair to sit in.

Installation service for Melissa Mittelstadt our new Preschool Director will be held Sunday, August 9th at 4:30pm.  Come support Faith’s newest teacher as she begins her journey in service of the Lord ministering to our children.

What a difference!  The demolition of the parsonage is well underway and will be completed this week.  A major component of updating our church facilities is near completion.  The parsonage was a part of our church for many years, holding dear memories for the congregation.  We can look back fondly on these memories as we look forward to the bright future God has planned for Faith Lutheran Church, School and Preschool.  May He continue to richly bless our ministries!

Thank you to all those who have participated in the work nights and getting tasks accomplished.  Much has been accomplished in the past two months.   We will have more work nights to get the playground ready for the beginning of school in a few weeks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Announcements from Sunday July 19th

Church Work Night      
July 22nd 6:00 - 9:00pm
Items to be done:
¨ Provide dinner for the workers
¨ Remove remaining copper from the parsonage and recycle
¨ Remove any remaining items in the parsonage (free cabinets, etc.)
¨ Clearing of debris around parsonage
¨ Piping for plumbing in parsonage to be cut and capped
¨ Remove fencing and posts around preschool playground
¨ Emergency exit stairs to be built
¨ Finish organ loft railing
¨ Build access door for preschool storage under stairs
¨ Remove items from Principal’s room including carpet
¨ Paint Principal’s room if time permits
¨ Take apart playground slide and take in for repair
¨ Buy supplies, list located in Fellowship Hall

Several of these tasks need not be done on the work night.  If you would like to take on a task to complete at another time that would be great.   For any questions, details or to volunteer please contact Mike Klebs.

On July 27th to July 29th Faith will host a soccer camp for kids in preschool through 6th grade.  Soccer camp will be at Abbott Loop Community Park from 9:00am to Noon.  This camp will help introduce players to basic soccer skills.  In addition, players will hear about God’s love for them through short devotions each day.  Flyers available at the back table.  Register at

Friend Fest 
On Wednesday, July 29, from 5:30-8pm, Faith will be holding a Friend Fest carnival with games, face painting, door prizes, bounce house and obstacle course, popcorn, lemonade and more!! We will be inviting our community and introducing people to our church family! It will be a great event to invite your friends to, and the neighborhood! If you would like to help in any way, please speak to Mrs. Schneck, text or call at 230-6715, email at

On Sunday, August 2nd there will be a church picnic immediately after the 10:30am service.  The picnic will be held on the church grounds.  We will provide meat, hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks.  Please bring a side dish, fruit or dessert.  Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair to sit in.