Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Camp Luther Alaska Work Day - Saturday, April 26th

We need your help!
There will be a work day at Camp Luther Alaska in Wasilla this Saturday, April 26th. Do your children and family make use of Camp Luther’s programs and facilities? This is a great opportunity to help us out by giving back. Both “skilled” and “unskilled” labor is needed. We have some roof and step repair that is especially urgent. Can you give us a hand? Please contact Fred or Stacey Koenig if you would like to help out.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Beautiful Cards, Great Way to Invite Folks!

The Outreach Committee has printed up some large postcards with an eye-catching image on one side, along with the words "Risen to Free Us" and a simple invitation to join us for Easter.  On the back is the information about our Good Friday and Easter worship times.

About 500 of the cards have been punched and equipped with rubber bands for easy hanging on doorknobs.  The Outreach Committee is asking for volunteers to help them place these in the same neighborhoods we covered at Christmas time. 

It's easy -- you don't have to talk to anybody, unless you'd like to knock on the doors and personally invite folks.  You'll get a bit of exercise and fresh air -- and there's not so much ice around any more.  It won't take long -- less than two hours of your time.  Best of all, it serves our Lord and helps this congregation reach out to our neighbors in Anchorage with the invitation for them to come and hear the saving Gospel of the Risen Christ!

Please come and meet with us at church at 11:00 tomorrow, Saturday, April 12.  We'll have everything you need; just bring a smile and the desire to share the Good News!

Cards will also be available at church on Sunday and all of next week.  Please use them to invite people you know who don't have a church home!

Thank you!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kindergarten Roundup! Wednesday, April 23rd

Kindergarten Roundup!  Wednesday, April 23rd, 4:30-6:00 PM
Do you have a child who'll be entering Kindergarten this coming fall?  Do you know a relative or friend or neighbor who does?  Come, or invite others to come to our Kindergarten Round-Up on Wednesday, April 23rd. Mrs. Schneck is eager to show parents and prospective students what Kindergarten at Faith Lutheran School is all about!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Holy Week Worship Opportunities at Faith

Palm Sunday, April 13  
Regular Morning Schedule, plus:
"Sharing Faith" service (with Hispanic congregation) at 12:30 pm

Maundy Thursday, April 17
 Worship (with Communion) at 7:00 pm

Good Friday, April 18 
Good Friday Vespers at 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday, April 20 
Easter Festival Worship at 8:15 and 11:00 am
Easter Breakfast served 9:30-10:45

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Visitors React to Faith Lutheran

A member of our Outreach Committee suggested that I share this, after she and her husband made a "cookie call" on Monday evening. 

On Sunday morning we had two visitors in the early service.  Husband and wife Mike and Nancy reported that they have been church shopping for the past year or so.  They said that Faith was by far the friendliest and warmest church they'd been to, and that they will definitely be back.

Each Sunday, we're doing the two best things we could do for any who visit.  We're preaching the saving Word of God and we're warmly welcoming all who come through the doors.  Let's thank the Lord for that, and do our best to make sure that it continues!

And thank you to the Outreach Committee (in this case, Jacob and Amy Mozolik) for such quick follow-up!