Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Volunteers needed for Technology Committee

We are starting an Ad-Hoc Committee to help keep track of all of the technology equipment we are using in the Church and School (which seems like it is getting to be more and more every day). The intent is to inventory and evaluate all of the equipment used, provide recommendations for equipment upgrades and and help provide guidance on their use.

You don't have to be an expert join, but if you are maybe a little "tech savvy" or are at least willing to help and learn, we need your assistance.

Teens are welcome! (You probably know more about this stuff than we do:-)

If you are interested, please email, text or call me. 

In Christ,

Channing Lillo

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Preschool update from Miss Wendland

It's been almost officially 1 month since preschool started so it's time for an update.

The four children we started the year with adapted to the routine like experts. We have enjoyed getting to know one another and learn the daily routine of preschool. It's so cool to see all the toys that had been sitting in storage now getting played with every day. This month, the top two hits have been the kitchen area and the water table. There's not a day that goes by where children aren't playing in one of those areas. By far the best part of the day, and the most important is Bible time. It is such a privilege to be able to share Jesus with these children, some hearing about Him for the first time. Faith in a child is incredible to see and hear. I could tell a child was really thinking hard when she asked, "Is God married?" After telling her no she asked, "But I thought he had a Son..?"

Enrollment is still at four children, although some of the faces have changed. We now have all girls. There are still a few leads for more children, and we hope the promotional effort will continue as we look to do mailings, pass out preschool goodie bags at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on November 29th, and hold an Open House mid February. I think our biggest promotional idea is WORD OF MOUTH! So please share information about our preschool with as many people as you can. If you would like brochures/business cards/fliers, please see me and I'd be happy to get you some.

The classroom space works efficiently and as far as the renovations go, there's nothing I wish we would have done differently. So thanks again to everyone who donated of their time, toys, talents, and treasures and to those who have prayed for this ministry.

And finally, because we are very close to needing more staff in the preschool, please give me a call or speak with me if you are interested in volunteering, submitting an application, or helping in that capacity.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Miss Wendland

Nov 24, 2013 - Thanksgiving Worship & Pot Luck Meal

What an incredible God we have! What blessings he showers on us day in and day out! Please join us as we recall the many, many blessings from the hand of our gracious Father. Following our special 11 AM worship service on Sunday, November 24, please join us for our traditional Thanksgiving pot luck meal.

We would appreciate some extra help in setting up for this event on Sunday morning following Bible class. We'd appreciate help from anyone who is planning on going to our first service and could assist in setting up tables & chairs, along with table decorations during the second service.

For the meal on Sunday, please bring a main dish, side dish, and/or dessert. Finally, we would again appreciate helpers after the meal to pack decorations, clear and clean tables, stack chairs and tables, and wash dishes.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Faith's Ministry Calendars are Online

Church, School, and Preschool calendars are now all feeding to our website at
www.faithalaska.com/calendars. Church events are navy, school events are teal, and preschool events are pink. Controls are in the upper right of the calendar--print, view by week, month, or agenda (list), the drop down on the far right allows you to filter calendars as you choose.