Thursday, July 25, 2013

Time to Double Our Efforts

Latest Important News from Your Building Committee:

•  Two Work Nights Each Week  -- Tuesday and Wednesday from 6 to 9 pm

•  The  committee will have a short informal meeting before next Tuesday's workday.  That meeting will start at 5:30 and will cover any construction issues or outstanding design issues that need to be discussed.  Future meetings will be scheduled depending upon attendance next week.

•  Sheet rocking is coming up on the schedule, and we will need as many volunteers as we can starting the first week in August to accomplish this.  Don't need much technical expertise, just bring your screw guns, sheetrock cutting tools, and laborer skills.

•  Meals:  We're in need of volunteers to furnish meals on the work evenings.  They need to prepare for about a dozen workers.  The meal needs to be pre-cooked, or the volunteer is asked to show up and prepare/cook the meal.  Another way to assist with this would be to donate $$ so that a meal can be purchased.  For more information contact Mary Klebs (home: 727-2326).  Note:  We do not yet have a meal for either day next week.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Renovation Update: Lots of Opportunities to Help!

First, thank you to all those who have assisted with the work so far!  Thanks to you (and great work by the Building Committee), the project is proceeding as planned.  Praise our good Lord!

There will be a regular work party this evening (Wednesday), but here's a look ahead to some upcoming opportunities and needs:

This weekend:

• There will be a work party working on concrete this Saturday or Sunday.  Anyone who wants to help out is encouraged to contact Tony Ferguson (632-6239) for scheduling information (time and day).

Next Week:

• Next week's regular work evening is rescheduled for Thursday, July 18 rather than Wednesday (due to some scheduling conflicts with some of the folks).

• Anyone interested in framing a few walls up starting Monday?  Work can be done at any time.  Again, talk to Tony!   If you have the talent and time to do this, we can provide the necessary materials and direction.

Early August
• Lastly - by the 1st week in August we will have a real need for persons that can do the taping and drywall patching/mudding work that will be required.  Anyone with these kinds of skills is asked to please contact someone on the building committee in the next week or so.  Please consider helping in this very important way!   If we don't have the volunteers, we will have to hire a contractor to do this.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Work Night -- Wednesday, July 10

Here's what you could help with this week:

•  install new electrical wiring, fire alarm wiring, and any other wiring
•  backfill and compact around plumbing and pour the concrete back into place
•  any other plumbing or framing that can be done

All framing can be done after concrete pour and we'd like to get this framing done prior to the next workday on the 17th.  This way we can finish our electrical and plumbing rough, get inspections, and begin sheetrocking the following week (24th).

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sunday, July 7 -- Wear a sweater!

Now that the weather has cooled, please be aware that we have no heat source connected to the sanctuary, since all the ducting had to be removed and has not been replaced yet.

We'll do what we can to try to warm the building up a bit, but you might want to bring a sweater to church tomorrow!