Sunday, March 24, 2013

Funeral Arrangements Set for Gilma Gonzalez

Our sister in Christ, Gilma Gonzalez, was called home to heaven this past week. Funeral arrangements have been made for Good Friday, March 29 and are listed below. All are welcome to attend.
  • 11 AM Visitation
  • 12 PM Funeral Service
  • 1 PM Fellowship Meal
'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”'
Revelation 14:13

Courtesy of Pastor Ewings

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 31, 2013 - Easter Breakfast

We would love to have you join us for our annual Easter breakfast on Easter Sunday, March 31 between worship services (9:30 AM)!

If you'd like to help or bring something, sign up sheets are posted in the narthex at church. There are plenty of opportunities for you to make and/or bring food for the meal, as well as help set up and clean up. We will need some extra help setting up tables on Saturday, March 30 beginning at 1 PM.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Are You Ready for a Journey?

Get immersed in Holy Week like you never have before!
 Courtesy of Mr. Schneck

Planning for Our Preschool Continues...

  • An Early Childhood Committee was formed recently. Members include Pastor Oldfield, Rachel Wendland, Chris Anton, Jeff Brooks, Deb Wockenfuss, Cara Ewings, Stephanie Lewis, Sheila Lillo, Tina Henry, and Deanna Schneck
  • Meetings currently take place twice a month.
  • Current action items include: determining a location for the preschool that complies with municipal requirements, designing the schedule and program of the preschool, and revising handbook, operating policies, and financial plan.
  • The plan is still to aim for a Fall 2013 start; however, complying with all applicable requirements may delay when the preschool can start.
  • How can you get involved? Committee members agreed that the preschool might benefit from a name other than “Faith Lutheran Preschool.” Please submit any suggestions to Miss Wendland or another committee member or vote here by the end of March.
  • There is a wish list of preschool materials. Please see Miss Wendland for more details if you would like to contribute towards those items.
  • Please continue to remember the development of the preschool in your prayers!
Courtesy of Miss Wendland via email

Hanging Hangers - Easter Edition

Hello Everyone,

In case you missed it today, the Outreach committee has organized another "Hanging Hangers" event for the Easter season.  We will be canvasing the same neighborhood that was canvassed during the Christmas holiday.  We will be inviting folks to both the Journey to the Cross event and the Easter Weekend services.  Here are the specifics:
When: Next Saturday, March 16th
Where: Meet at the Church at 10:30 AM
What: you will be given a "Team" to be on.  Just show up to church with appropriate clothes and we will take care of the rest.
OK, What's in it for me?:  Well aside from inviting others to hear of Gods Word, you will also get some much needed exercise (Hey, I'm just saying!), some fresh air, and some great fellowship!  Oh, and don't forget about the coffee and refreshments before, during, and after.

Can't argue with that!  How about the How:  It's easy!  Just follow this link
Hanging Hangers
This will take you to the Facebook event page.
Or you can email me at

But wait, there's more!  We will follow this activity up with the adoption shower for the Thompson's.  So if you were going to attend that event, just show up a little early and participate in the canvasing.  Or if you were going to canvas, stick around for a bit and welcome the Thompson's new family.

Its a Win-Win!!!
Of course, if you have any questions, please let me know.
See you on Saturday!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Set your clocks AHEAD 1 hour

Don't experience the horror of arriving to church as everyone else is leaving! Set your clocks AHEAD 1 hour before going to bed tonight!
Courtesy of Pastor Oldfield via email

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Exciting Activities Coming Soon!

We've got some exciting Fellowship activities coming up, so check them out and mark your calendar! Details are at

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Reminder to Sunday School Parents...

All of the Sunday School children will be singing this Sunday, March 10th. They will be singing during both services - the end of the 8:15am service and the beginning of the 11:00am service. 
Courtesy of Sarah Salzwedel via Facebook